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Our take on: Kanye Running for President


Kayne 2020? Let’s not lose sight of what’s really going on... 

Kayne has been talking politics since the 2016 election, but now he’s officially announced he will be running for president in the upcoming November election. Before you waste your vote on a rapper, let’s discuss the facts of the situation. 


First, what is Kayne’s campaign? Here’s some key points he revealed in an interview with Forbes Magazine: 


His policies:

“I don’t know if I would use the word ‘policy’ for the way I would approach things. I don’t have a policy when I went to Nike and designed Yeezy and went to Louis and designed a Louis Vuitton at the same time. It wasn’t a policy, it was a design. We need to innovate the design to be able to free the mind at this time.” 


Well…that about sums it up, he plans to research with his “strongest experts that serve God.” Maybe he could’ve researched this before running for president? Just an idea! 

Yet the few policies he has proposed (or should I say “designs”), relates to anti-abortion laws, reinstating prayers in schools, anti-vaccines, and well…that’s about all he’s said so far. 


Now that we’ve covered the facts of the case (of which there are none), we can start to examine the details of his candidacy alongside possible conspiracy theories. Kayne has announced he is running as an Independent, but has yet to register. Considering Kayne decided to run just four months before the election, it may not be possible for his name to end up on every ballot. Multiple states, such as Alabama, Illinois, Texas, Nevada, New York, etc., have already closed their ballots. So…since it’s basically impossible for him to win, why would he be running? 

Well, it could be a simple publicity stunt. Considering he’s about to release his new album “Birthday Party,” which he’s referred to as part of his campaign slogan. 


It could also be to help with Trump’s campaign. You know those voters who aren’t big fans of Biden but don’t know who else to vote for? Yeah, you. Don’t vote for Kayne, because that vote is going to go towards Trump. This theory seems to be plausible, considering Kayne has supported Trump throughout his presidency.


He recently came out to say he has lost confidence in Trump due to how he hid in a bunker during protests, but otherwise he has been consistent about his support for Trump and his hate towards Biden. 


Last but not least, Kayne has admitted he has yet to ever vote in a previous election. Just a fun fact to end this article with, you can take with that what you will. But moral of the story: use your vote wisely! America needs you right now, it’s not time to joke around.


~Juliana Zappitell 


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