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Highlighting NozemArt

Brecht Lanfossi, an artist whom goes by the alter ego: Nozem, is a surrealist digital painter and collagist from Belgium. His work utilizes symbolism to define its artistic experience, making it nearly impossible to define the meaning behind his art in one specific way. Luckily, we had the chance to ask Brecht a few questions regarding his art work: 

Tell us a little bit about yourself, other than the fact that you’re a brilliant artist. 

        My name is Brecht Lanfossi and I’m a Belgian surrealist, collagist/digital painter inspired by dream-like and psychotic consciousness free from reason and convention. I'm a Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK Ghent) drop out who never gave up the idea of making some “art” one day. Currently I'm living and practicing "art" in Nederzwalm-Hermelgem, Belgium. I am a huge fan of studying one’s inner-self, by ridding yourself of ego and practicing selflessness. A fun fact about me is that I REALLY dislike any artwork with skulls and/or skeletons. 


When did you first begin digital art? 

       I am a self taught artist from 2015 up until now but I began digital painting in 2018. 


Are there certain themes that you explore in your works? If so, can you explain them to us? 

         I try to communicate certain spiritual ideas and the nature of perception through my art. One could say I am very interested in quantum physics so I find it very important to use that in my work. 


Where do you draw inspiration from? Who are the artists that you look up to? 

       For me making art is all about expressing myself without any limitations and/or boundaries and those things are exactly what inspire me. Through transcendental meditation and reading spiritual literature, I sort of learned that we aren't our thoughts. I learned that we need to let our thoughts come and go as bright white clouds floating by.  Once you see that you're not “the thinker” but the viewer of your ego from a higher consciousness, life becomes a lot easier. If you can observe your ego from a distance, you are slowly moving towards that higher consciousness and positivity. Now that is really an endless source of inspiration.I look up to the following artists on Instagram: @laprisamata1, @hannekerozemuller, @frenetikvoid, @blakekathryn, @benridgwayart and @hisami_tanaka. 


How has your art evolved over time? 

     I feel that my way of working has become more intuitive in comparison to my early days of creating. My previous mindset resulted in a sort of total dislike toward doing any research or thinking much before starting a piece of work. I don't run into those same inhibiting factors anymore. 

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